Full Tutorial on Deploying a Dash app to Linux Server with Apache2

by John November 17, 2023


So you have created your first Plotly Dash application and now you want to share it with the world. One of the best and most cost efficient ways to do this is by using your own Linux server. You can use any number of providers to rent a server, however, we recommend using linode and if you sign up using our referral link you will be entitled to $100 in free credits to experiment with your own servers. 


For this article we use Ubuntu 23.02 , it may be best for those that which to follow along to choose this distribution to avoid any weird errors. 


For the purposes of this article you can select the cheapest possible option from Linode (or other hosting provider) which currently is $6 per month for shared hosting. Once you have set up your server you can ssh in to it , you will need the IP address from Linode's interface. 


Below is an example:

ssh root@


Enter the password you inputted to spin up the server when prompted and type the following:


sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade


Since we are using apache as our web server we need to install some more packages 


sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-client mysql-server
sudo apt-get install apache2-dev
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3


Apache should be default enable wsgi , however, you can type the following command to be sure


sudo a2enmod wsgi


This gives us a /var/www/ folder associated with apache on our server, it is here that we will want to put the project. Below we navigate to the var/www/ directory and create a new directory named as the project , for the purposes of this article we will call the directory FlaskDash 


cd /var/www 


mkdir FlaskDash && cd FlaskDash


The next step is to install pipenv , it is rather difficult to use pyenv so it is highly recommended you use pipenv to prevent weird errors. 


sudo apt install pipenv 


As there can be some tricky permissions errors that may be difficult to debug, we are going to want to ensure that our venv is saved in our project directory. So we need to complete the following step:


nano ~/.bashrc


Once the bash file is open, scroll down to the bottom of the file and copy and paste the following line in.




Save and exit with Ctrl x and yes to save , once back in terminal we need the following command for the changes to take effect. 


source ~/.bashrc


Once completed ensure you are in the correct directory, it should look like :/var/www/FlaskDash on your terminal if you are following along with the same project name as we are. 


Now type the following :


pipenv install 


This will create the virtual environment. Type the following within the /var/www/FlaskDash/ directory to ensure it is there:


ls -la


You should see a .venv folder.


Now we will install some packages. To install packages is very simple. 


pipenv install dash 
pipenv install flask
pipenv install pandas



Now create the following three directories within the FlaskDash folder. 


mkdir static
mkdir templates
mkdir logs


Now we want to create our app.py file 


sudo nano app.py


Once it is opened copy and paste the following example dash app taken from the documentation user guide. 


from dash import Dash, html, dcc, callback, Output, Input
import plotly.express as px
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv(

app = Dash(__name__)

app.layout = html.Div(
        html.H1(children="Title of Dash App", style={"textAlign": "center"}),
        dcc.Dropdown(df.country.unique(), "Canada", id="dropdown-selection"),

@callback(Output("graph-content", "figure"), Input("dropdown-selection", "value"))
def update_graph(value):
    dff = df[df.country == value]
    return px.line(dff, x="year", y="pop")

server = app.server

if __name__ == "__main__":



Save and exit with Crtl x and yes to save, once that is saved we will create the app.wsgi file. First we want to check that the pipenv is on the right path. Type the following:


pipenv --venv


If you have been following along with the same naming as we have you should see the following once the command above has been executed:



Now create the app.wsgi file 


sudo nano app.wsgi


Once open copy and paste the following in:


import sys

sys.path.insert(0, '/var/www/FlaskDash')

activate_this = '/var/www/FlaskDash/.venv/bin/activate_this.py'

with open(activate_this) as file_:
    exec(file_.read(), dict(__file__=activate_this))

from app import server as application


Save and exit with Crtl x and yes to save


It is important to note here that when you typed the pipenv --venv you must have the correct path that was outputted on the terminal after typing this command , if replace the paths above with the correct output ensuring it ends in /bin/activate_this.py so that things will load correctly. 



The next step is to make a configuration file for apache to server the app. We are going to navigate to the appropriate folder to insert a conf file. Let's go back to the root directory. 


cd ~


Then navigate to the following directory. 


cd /etc/apache2/sites-available


Create the conf file 


sudo nano FlaskDash.conf 


The file below is an example of a configuration file , if you are using linode , click on your linode, and copy and paste the IP address of your server beside ServerName after removing the placeholder one in the example below. 


<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName # change this to the IP of your server
  WSGIDaemonProcess flaskapp user=www-data group=www-data threads=5 

  WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/FlaskDash/app.wsgi

  <Directory /var/www/FlaskDash>
    WSGIProcessGroup flaskapp 
    WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
    Require all granted
    Options ExecCGI

  Alias /static /var/www/FlaskDash/static 

  <Directory /var/www/FlaskDash/static/>
    Require all granted

  ErrorLog /var/www/FlaskDash/logs/error.log 
  CustomLog /var/www/FlaskDash/logs/access.log combined


Save and exit with Crtl x and yes to save


To enable this site type the following command :


sudo a2ensite FlaskDash.conf


To check whether the syntax is correct for the apache conf file, type the following:


sudo apachectl configtest


If everything is correctly specified , you should see 'Syntax OK' somewhere on your terminal. 


Restart apache with the following command 


sudo service apache2 restart


Now you can copy and paste your IP address in to your browser. If everything has worked correctly you should be able to see an interactive version of the plot below :


dash example server




If there is some problem and you don't see the plot above due to some error , you can go to the logs and see if you can debug it


cd ~

cd /var/www/FlaskDash/logs

sudo nano errors.log